Thursday 10 February 2011

Evaluation - TV Listings Magazines

In media we had a task to put 3 different types of magazines onto PowerPoint and put the good and bad points onto it. I chose TV Easy, Radio Times and What’s On TV!

They had similarities such as the big title, big main picture, date and website and a price. Radio Times was the most expensive, it was £1. TV Easy was 49p, and the cheapest was What’s On TV! This was 40p.

The difference s between them was that Radio Times didn’t have a bar code and didn’t have other pictures, so the layout was different. The colours were very different, Radio Times had black, white, grey and red, TV Easy was very bright with colours of bright luminous pink, orange and white, whereas What’s On TV was very reasonable and modern, it had a blue background, yellow writing and other primary colours.

The Target Audience
Radio Times – tends to be older people.
TV Easy –tends to be younger people.
What’s On TV! – tends be middle aged people.

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