Wednesday 25 May 2011

How does your finish product compare to your design?

My advert was of a shoe, which i had to create myself. My plan was to have a boot like structure with a block heel, this would be made of pure leather, and would come 1/4 of the way from the knee. It would accessorized with 2 pink belt with holes in, that would twist around the boot. At the stub of toe there would a layout of silver rhinestones which would complete the whole look.
My advert designs all had fairies in them, which had to look evil and pretty at the same time. The fairy/devil had to be either near the shoe or on the shoe. I had an idea of the fairy/devil to be wearing the shoes, but i concluded that it would be too complicated and my audience may not get the idea of the shoe advert and could lead to something along the lines of the dress or hair, which is not intended.
in all of my designs, it had to have a black and red dark cloud background. This worked, as i found the perfect one, and i still stick by it. it is very dark and very scary.
I had the idea of giving out a free heart charm which they could easily tie through one of the holes and wear it out, or they could put it on their phone as a phone charm. plus it it really pretty so girls would love it.
Overall i think my product came out better than intended and i am really happy with it, compared to my designs, i think it came out better, and that is unusual for me :D

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