Wednesday 11 May 2011

My Findings

                 My Findings
1.   I asked my class “What is your favourite name?” they had a choice of different names, and Develle came up as the most popular vote. Some of my audience voted for Serious or Harmony.

2. I then asked my class what kind of font would they like, and the most answer was 3, font 7 came in a close second.  Font 3 was called Bordeaux Roman Bold LET, and font 7 was called Party LET.

3. After that I asked my class  if they agreed with the slogan, a majority answered yes while about 3 people thought it should sound more tough and evil, so I am going to change my slogan.

4. Finally, I asked if there was anything else I could do, most answered No, while I got an interesting idea of making a Charm boot. I thought this is a good idea so I am going to see how I could include this idea with mine.  

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