Thursday 17 March 2011

my contents page explanation

About My contents Page

My Contents Page is in 2 columns with 2 main pictures and the sign for my magazine which I got from Google images. With the columns I made them easy to understand and put a big number before the information.

There are many colours involved with my magazine such as blue, pink and purple (all different shades) I chose these ones because I think that it would appeal to little girls who like horses and pink. I made sure that the colours weren’t too boisterous. 

There was many fonts which I used and I tested them out, because I wanted to make sure they were readable. Some were neat and looked computerised, while others looked messy and scribbled. I tested the colours with them until I thought they could suit.

The colours and fonts as well as they layouts all fit in with my magazine because it looks like my front cover. I think that it is good to look like this because then it gives the similar effect. Some of my pages included Pippa Funnel’s Diary. Even though little girls might not know who she is, there is a game out called Pippa Funnel, which is out on Wii and Nintendo DS.

I really like my contents page, because it goes well with what I am trying to do. For the first time ever I actually made something that I am happy with and it came out the right way. 

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